Thursday, May 6, 2010

What are you interested in?

Sorry for the silence.  Exams are finished!

There is still so much more about conference, and it is very hard to find a constructive way to post it all!  I did want to make you all aware that the AOTA has a link for you to download any of the presentations you are interested in. Maura and I (Ann-English) still plan to update, through this blog or through a presentation, you all on the sessions that we attended Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  However, I understand that we all have varying interests.  I encourage you to look through the posted presentations, find what you are interested in, and download the PowerPoint presentations for future reference.

Once you get to the above link, click on handouts.
This will open up a new webpage, "OASIS."
Click:  Browse: Explore sessions by Category, Type, or Date.
From there you can browse by Day, Session Type, Session Category, and/or Secondary Content Focus.
(Please note that anything in red will take you to a new page or open a new document.)
Once you are in the "Session Detail" scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Presentation date, time, name, authors, etc.
If the Session has handouts that you can save or download you will see "Handouts"

Please shot me a message if you have any trouble.  I am happy to help you!

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